Text by 山本勇樹 Yuki Yamamoto (Quiet Corner)
Edit by 宮本剛志 Takeshi Miyamoto

Paraphernalia Records
ライナーノーツ: 山本勇樹 (Quiet Corner)
—— 今回の作品を通して、初めてあなたのことを知る人が多いと思います。あなたのプロフィールを教えてください。
Justin Orok(ジャスティン・オーロック)※以下省略 – 私はカナダで生まれ、オンタリオ州内のさまざまな場所でずっと暮らしてきました。母はフィリピン出身で、1990年に大学進学のためにオンタリオ州北部に移り住み、そこで父と出会ったんです。
—— I think that many people of my country will get to know you for the first time through this album. Could you give me a profile of yourself?
I was actually born in Canada and have lived here my whole life, in various places around Ontario. My mom’s from the Philippines, and she moved to Northern Ontario in 1990 for university, where she met my dad.
—— どのようなきっかけで音楽を始めたのですか?
—— When did you start to play music and how did it start?
My parents signed both my brother and I up for piano lessons when we were really young, with a teacher that lived a couple streets away. I wasn’t very good and I dropped out of it fairly early, but I think the basics of music theory still sat in my brain even during the years I wasn’t playing music. I got interested in playing guitar when I was 13, after seeing the english dub of the anime “Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad” on television. That’s a bit of a silly reason to start playing music again but it’s the truth!
—— 楽器や作曲などは、どのようにして学びましたか?
—— How did you learn to play an instrument or compose?
I had a lot of luck with great guitar teachers in the early years – Roddy Ellias, Justin Haynes, James Cohen. I was really interested in playing both jazz and flamenco, and was basically doing a bad Lenny Breau imitation for many years. After I finished music school I took some songwriting lessons with the great songwriter John Southworth, which really changed my whole approach to making music. I’ve also never really stopped taking lessons, now that I’m thinking about it. Currently I’m taking lap steel guitar lessons with Don Rooke, and studying lyric writing with Lorraine Feather.
—— あなたのソロ活動に先駆け、2020年にアルバムを発表したデコレーション・デイはどのようないきさつでスタートしたのですか?
—— How did Decoration Day get started?
Decoration Day was created by me and Tiffany Wu as a vehicle to explore our collaborative songwriting. We really liked the blend of my old Guild acoustic guitar and her harmonium, and we tried to write these soft-spoken songs that would work with that instrumentation. Our friends Mara Nesrallah (voice), Naomi McCarroll-Butler (woodwinds), Andrew Chung (violin), and Liam Cole (percussion) joined as well and it became a real collective effort by the time we made our full-length album. Because the instrumentation was a little unusual, we mostly performed in strange places – small apartments, house concerts, a vintage eyewear shop, and many more.
—— あなたの音楽性に影響を与えた音楽家を教えてください。
—— Please tell me about a musician that has influenced your musicality.
My approach to making music is mostly inspired by writers like Randy Newman and Paul Simon. I really admire their ability to tell a compelling story with just a few words, and their thoughtful accompaniment. As a guitar player I love Joni Mitchell and Nick Drake, as well as classical guitarists like Miguel Llobet and Carles Trepat.
—— では音楽以外で影響を受けたもの、例えば映画や文学(それら以外でも)あれば教えてください。
『Kanata』の曲を作った頃は短編小説をたくさん読んでいました。アリス・マンローやレイモンド・カーヴァーの作品が好きなんです。それから、2020年に初めてエドワード・ヤン監督の『ヤンヤン 夏の想い出』を観て、かなり影響を受けました。アッバス・キアロスタミの映画も同じ年に全部見て、彼の控えめなスタイルにすっかり惚れ込んでしまいました。また、今でも私は多くのアニメも見ていて、例えば『ハイキュー!!』や『ヒカルの碁』が大好きなんですが、それらからの影響もあるはずです。
—— Then, other than music, for example, film or literature (or anything else), please tell me if you have been influenced by any.
I was reading a lot of short stories when I wrote Kanata’s songs. I love the works of Alice Munro and Raymond Carver. Also, In 2020 I saw Edward Yang’s film “Yi Yi” for the first time and that had quite a lasting effect on me. I also watched all the films of Abbas Kiarostami that year, and fell totally in love with his understated style. I still watch a fair bit of anime as well which I’m sure has some influence on me – I love sports anime like Haikyuu and Hikaru no Go.
—— 本作『Kanata』について質問します。まず本作を録音することになったいきさつは?
—— I have many questions about “Kanata”. First of all, how did you come to record this album?
In 2018 I had a bit of a scary health experience and stayed in the hospital for about two weeks. I didn’t eat anything while I was there and my body completely changed. After I got home, I played and sang some of my songs and it really helped me to remember who I am and what I’m meant to be doing. That experience helped me decide that it was the right time to make an album, and so I booked some recording sessions later that day.
—— アルバムのコンセプトと、それに至った理由を教えてください。
Toko HosoyaのInstagram
—— What is the concept of the album? Please tell me the reason why it came to that.
“Kanata” is a collection of short story-songs centered around my childhood. The name comes from the suburb where I grew up, and most of the stories take place around that area. I filled it with different characters – a boy genius, a little dog, a flower delivery person, a famous local hockey player – and explored some of the feelings from my childhood through them.
The album artwork was really important to making it feel like a collection of short stories as well. The artist, Toko Hosoya, used gold leaf and paper to create something that looked like the cover of an old book. We’re also having a little album release show here in Toronto, at a small used book store.
—— トーコ・ホソヤについてもう少し聞かせてください。彼女はあなたの友人なんでしょうか?また、デコレーション・デイにはアジア系カナダ人のミュージシャンが複数人参加していますし、アジア系カナダ人のシンガー・ソングライター、アマンダ・サムが今年発売したアルバムでは、レコーディング・メンバー全員がアジア系カナダ人だそうです。カナダにはアジア系の文化や相互扶助があるのでしょうか?
トーコのことは、OCAD大学(Ontario College of Art & Design University)で一緒に勉強していた友人たちを通じて知りました。ネットで見た彼女の作品はとても印象的でしたね。それらは奇妙で興味深い物語を語った古い民話を描いているように感じたんです。そのスタイルがアルバム・ジャケットにぴったりだと思ったので、連絡を取ってみたところ、幸運なことに興味を持ってくれました。
Tiger Balme
—— Please tell me more about Toko Hosoya. You are frends? Also, Decoration Day seems to have asian canadian musicians. And other canadian singer-songwriter Amanda Sum. Her album’s recording member are all asian canadian. Is there an asian mutual help and culture in Canada?
I knew of Toko through some friends who went to school with her at OCAD University. She had a really great reputation there and I was very impressed by some of her work that I saw online – they looked like old folklore paintings that told strange, interesting stories. I thought that style would fit nicely for the album cover so I decided to reach out and luckily she was interested!
There is definitely a big asian population in Toronto and a lot of great asian musicians that support each other. My friend Karen Ng is a great saxophone and clarinet player that plays with Andy Shauf, and I also used to play frequently with a great artist called Mingjia (who introduced me to Tiffany Wu, another member of Decoration Day). There is also an all-asian female group called Tiger Balme that plays in Toronto as well.
—— 収録された曲は、いつ頃に、どのような環境の中で書かれたものですか?
—— When and under what circumstances were the recorded songs written?
In 2018 I saw an ad on Facebook for songwriting lessons with John Southworth. Up until then I hadn’t really written any original lyrics so I decided to give it a try and it turned out to be a very special, important experience. John taught me things like how to access my own ideas, how to edit my lyrics down to just the essentials, and the importance of a really good song title. After I had completed a few songs he suggested that I keep writing and work towards making an album, which is how these songs all came together.
—— タイトルの『Kanata』は、どのような意味で、それに決めた理由を教えてください。
『Kanata』というのは、私が育ったオタワの郊外の地名で、先住民の言葉で「村」を意味する言葉です。そこからタイトルに選びました。ここ北米では、先住民の言葉を別の目的に改変したり、盗んだ土地の新しい名前にするという長く奇妙な歴史的慣習があるみたいなんです。これはおそらく、その土地を「本物」と感じさせたいという願望から来るものだと思うのですが、結局は逆効果になってしまっています。郊外で育った多くの人がそうであるように、この感情は私の子供時代を取り囲んでおり、アルバムの中の多くの物語がこの場所を舞台にしているので、これがタイトルとしてふさわしいと思いました。また、作詞の過程で、『Kanata』という言葉が他の言語、特に日本語にもあることを知り、興味を持っていました。曲のひとつ (「Dear Kumon Takeshi」) が日本を舞台にしているということは、嬉しい偶然です。
—— What does the title “Kanata” mean and why did you decide on it?
“Kanata” is the name of the suburb of Ottawa where I grew up – I believe that name was taken from an Indigenous word meaning “village”.There seems to be a long, strange historical practice here in North America of taking Indigenous words and repurposing them or altering them to become the new names of stolen land. It probably comes from a desire to make places feel ‘authentic’, however it ends up having the opposite effect. This feeling surrounded my childhood as I’m sure it does for many people who grew up in the suburbs, and as many of the stories on the album are set in this place, I thought it would work as a title. During the writing process I also was interested to learn that “Kanata” was a word in other languages as well, especially Japanese, as one of the songs (Dear Takeshi Kumon) is set in Japan – a happy coincidence.
—— ジャン・マーティンについて教えてください。またなぜ彼が本作のプロデュースを手掛けることになったのですか?ちなみに私は、Barnyard RecordsのコンピレーションCDで彼の存在を知りました。またジャスティン・ハインズやジョン・サウスワースの名前もそこにありました。
『Barnyard Christmas』のCDを聴かれていたなんて、とても素晴らしいですね!私も何年も前から車に置いていて、いつも聴いていたんです。ジャンは本当に特別なプロデューサーであり、ドラマーであり、レコーディング・エンジニアです。彼とは、私の昔からの先生であるジャスティン・ハインズを通して出会い、その後、ジョン・サウスワースのバンドでヨーロッパを回る小さなツアーで一緒に演奏しました。彼がジョンと作ったレコードや、彼のレーベル「Barnyard」のレコードを聴いて、このアルバムのプロデューサーには彼ほどの適任は他にいないだろうと思っていました。ジャンが関わったレコードの多くは、アヴァンギャルド・ジャズ、アウトサイダー、ニュー・ミュージックといったジャンルのもので、彼は非常に興味深い抽象的なサウンドスケープを作り出すことができるんです。それに加えて、彼はソングライティングに対する深い愛情も持っていて、この2つの組み合わせは、私が音楽で達成しようとしていることにとてもよく合うはずだと考えました。
—— Please tell me about Jean Martin. And why did he produce this album? By the way, I found out about him through a compilation CD on Barnyard Records. I also found Justin Haynes and John Southworth’s names there.
That’s so great that you heard that Barnyard Christmas CD! I actually had that in my car for many years and listened to it constantly. Jean is a really special producer, drummer, and recording engineer. We met through my old teacher Justin Haynes and later played together in John Southworth’s band on a small tour of Europe. I had heard the records he made with John and also on his record label (Barnyard) and knew that he would be the perfect producer for this album. A lot of those records are sort of in the avant-garde jazz, outsider, and new music genres, where he’s able to create these really interesting abstract soundscapes. In addition to that though, he also has a deep love of songwriting, and the combination of those two things really lend themselves well to what I’m trying to achieve with my music.
—— あなたの曲をより美しくしている、バックコーラスやストリングスなどのサウンドアレンジは誰によるアイデアで、またそれはどのような方法で進めたのですか?
—— Who came up with the idea for the sound arrangements, such as the backing chorus and strings, that make the songs you write so effective and beautiful, and how did you go about it?
Jean and I created the arrangements together with the musicians who played on the album. It was really collaborative, although ultimately his sensibilities informed how everything turned out. He has a really good ear for when to add or remove things, and we made a lot of doubles out of parts that were originally improvised. The string arrangements were also made up on the spot with these amazingly creative players, Andrew Downing and Jesse Zubot. It was a really fun way to work, and I’m thankful that modern recording technology has made it possible to work in such a loose, relaxed way.
—— 「Brother leaving for South Korea」や「Dear Takeshi Kumon」(=公文式の社長を務めた人物ですね?)など、「誰かへの想いを歌った曲」が印象的だと感じました。「Flowers For Displaced Alumni」などについても、どんな思いで作った曲なのか教えてください。
大学を卒業した後、花屋で短期間働いていました。バレンタインデーにオフィスに花を届けたこともあります。その経験が、「Flowers for Displaced Alumni」という曲になりました。これは、自分の専門分野とは少ししか関係のない仕事に就いているすべての若者に花を配達する宅配業者についての歌です。このアルバムのほとんどの曲は、登場人物や物語を作り出して、自分の個人的な感情を表現する、基本的にそんなアプローチで作られています。例えば、「Dear Takeshi Kumon」は、大きな教育会社の創始者の息子であることからくる期待を歌ったものです。もちろん、これらの物語は完全に創作です。直接的で感傷的なスタイルで書くのとは違ったアプローチですが、とても楽しい作業なんです。
—— I was impressed by songs such as “Brother leaving for South Korea” and “Dear Takeshi Kumon” (= the man who served as president of Kumon, right?). ) , I felt that “songs about feelings for someone else” were impressive. Please tell me about that and “Flowers For Displaced Alumni” and other songs as well as what you were thinking when you wrote these songs.
After I graduated from college I worked at a flower store briefly and delivered flowers to offices on Valentine’s day. That eventually turned into “Flowers for Displaced Alumni”, which is about a courier delivering flowers to all these young people who are working in jobs that are only slightly related to their areas of expertise. That’s basically the approach I used for most of the songs on the album – inventing characters and stories to describe my own personal feelings. For example, Dear Takeshi Kumon is about the expectations that come with being the son of the creator of a large educational company. Of course, the story is completely made up! It’s a different approach from writing in a more direct sentimental style, but it’s a really fun way to work.
—— あなたの歌い方には、まるで語り掛けるような優しくて紳士的な印象を受けました。例えるならニック・ドレイクやホセ・ゴンサレスのようです。もし参考にしているシンガー・ソングライターやヴォーカリストがいたら教えてください。
—— Your way of singing seemed gentle and gentlemanly, as if you were speaking to us. It is like Nick Drake or José González, for example. If there is a singer-songwriter or vocalist that you refer to, please let me know.
That’s very flattering to be compared to those artists, thank you! I do love both of them. I am not a trained singer so I’ve decided to lean into the most soft-spoken approach, which lends itself well to narrative songs I think. There are some videos on Youtube from old movies where you can hear the original singing voice of the actor or actress, which they later replaced with an overdubbed singer. In most cases I prefer the original untrained voice, and I definitely thought about that when I decided I was going to sing my own songs.
—— 楽器のエコーやヴォーカルの距離感、各楽器の配置など、録音がとても素晴らしいと思いました。何か、こだわりや工夫があれば教えてください。また特別な機材を使用しているでしょうか?
良くも悪くも、このアルバムに収録されているものはすべて別々に録音されているので、どの楽器もいい音に調整しやすくなっていると思いますね。メインのギターは、何年も前にトレードで手に入れた古いギルドの「D-35」です。かなり傷んでいますが、とてもいい温かみのある音で、ほとんどの曲はこれで書いています。それをヴィンテージの「LOMO」のマイクで小さな「NEVE」のボードに録音しました。ピアノは、ここトロントの「Canterbury」という素晴らしいスタジオで、古い「NEVE」のコンソールを使って録音しました。もちろん、ジャンも素晴らしい機材を持っていて、ストリングスの録音には「AEA R88」を使っていたと思います。
—— I thought the recording was excellent in terms of the echoes of the instruments, the distance between the vocals, and the placement of each instrument. Please tell me if there are any special obsession or ingenuity you/they made. Also, do you/they use any special equipment?
For better or for worse, everything on the album was recorded separately, which I think made it easy to get a nice sound for every instrument. The main guitar is my old Guild D-35 which I got many years ago in a trade. Even though it’s very damaged, it has a really nice warm sound, and I write most of my songs on it. We recorded it with a vintage Lomo microphone into a small Neve board. The piano was also recorded into an old Neve console at a wonderful studio here in Toronto called Canterbury. And of course Jean also has some really nice gear – I believe he used an AEA R88 to record the strings among other things.
—— レコーディング最中で何か印象に残るエピソードがあれば教えてください。
例えば、「Silver Seven」では私がウーリッツァーを弾いたり、「Flowers for Displaced Alumni」では多重録音でミニ・ギター・オーケストラを作ったりと、ジャンのアイデアから発展した特別な瞬間がたくさんありました。中でも最も特別な思い出は、ジャスティン・ハインズのピアノとのレコーディング・セッションです。彼が演奏した曲には命が吹き込まれ、そのセッションによってレコードの方向性が大きく変わりました。そのピアノのテイクは、まったく編集されていない、完全な1テイクなんです。そんなことができる人を彼の他に知りません。彼はこのセッションの直後に亡くなってしまったので、『Kanata』は、彼が演奏した最後のレコードになりました。あの日を一緒に過ごせたことを本当に感謝していますし、一生忘れないでしょう。
本作の中で、Justin Haynesがピアノを演奏した曲の一つ、「Brother Leaving For South Korea」
—— Do you have any memorable episodes during the recording process?
There were lots of special moments where Jean had an idea that we developed – like on Silver Seven, where I played wurlitzer, or on Flowers for Displaced Alumni, where we made a mini guitar orchestra. The most special memory I have out of all the sessions, though, was the one with Justin Haynes on piano. He breathed so much life into the songs that he played on, and that session basically changed the whole direction of where the record was going. The piano takes that you hear are not really edited at all, just one complete take. I don’t know anyone else really capable of that! He died shortly after the session and so “Kanata” is the last record that he officially played on. I’m really grateful that we were able to share that day together, I’ll never forget it.
—— ここ数年、カナダ・トロントのインディペンデント・シーンが日本の熱心な音楽ファンの間でも話題になっています。サンドロ・ペリ、エリック・シェノー、ライアン・ドライヴァー、ザ・ウェザー・ステーション、マーカー・スターリング、ホブソンズ・チョイスなど、多くて数えきれませんが、彼らの作品に参加しているミュージシャンの中には、このアルバムにも参加しているミュージシャンもいます。彼らとあなたの音楽的な繋がりはありますか?またこういったトロントの音楽シーンについて、あなたの意見を伺いたいです。
—— Over the past few years, the independent scene in Toronto, Canada has been gaining a lot of attention among avid music fans in Japan. Sandro Perri, Eric Chenaux, Ryan Driver, The Weather Station, Marker Starling, Hobson’s Choice, to name a few, but some of them share the same musicians who have participated in your work. Do you have any musical connections with them? I would also like to know your opinion about this kind of Toronto music scene.
The scene we have here in Toronto is really amazing!! People are putting out fantastic records all the time and I’m glad that they’re getting more attention in other parts of the world. It’s pretty close knit, too, and although I’m not really well-known here or anything, I’m happy I get to work with a similar group as the musicians you’ve mentioned. I am especially a big fan of The Weather Station, Hobson’s Choice, and Ryan Driver. I actually just played in Ryan Driver’s backyard a few weeks ago! He said he was going to Japan soon and that he’d look out for my album when it comes out. It’s a wonderful community to be a part of.

カナダのトロントで活動するシンガーソングライター、ジャスティン・オーロックのソロデビュー・アルバムを世界初CD化。つま弾かれるアコースティックギターと、瑞々しいピアノ、ささやかに奏でられる管弦楽器、そして歌。ニック・ドレイク、ジョニ・ミッチェル~キングス・オブ・コンビニエンスまでを彷彿とさせる静かなる傑作。日本生まれでカナダを拠点に活動するアーティスト、Toko Hosoyaによるアートワークも素晴らしい。
ライナーノーツ:山本勇樹(Quiet Corner)